
This Privacy Policy shall define the manner in which “Novi Sad European Youth Capital – OPENS” Federation of Associations (Omladinski savez udruženja “Novi Sad omladinska prestonica Evrope – OPENS”), with the headquarters in Novi Sad, Laze Telečkog 2 (hereinafter: “OPENS”), obtains and uses information obtained from the users (hereinafter: “User”) who access the website at the address (hereinafter: “our website” or “website”) or other parties/websites in the ownership of OPENS, which redirect to

OPENS is dedicated to the privacy protection of all visitors of the website and the protection of all personal data provided by the Users.
This Privacy Protection shall be related to our website and all contents, events, activities and programs organised and implemented by OPENS, in relation to General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: “GDPR”).


OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy shall help the Users understand the manner in which OPENS uses the information obtained from the Users. By the provision of their personal data, the Users shall accept OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy and agree with the collection, use and publishing of personal data in the manner stated in OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Shall the Users agree with this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, we kindly ask the Users to provide us with their personal data.

What are personal data?

Personal data are information on an individual, defined by an applicable law, such as: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, year of birth, address of residence.

Information Obtained from the User
The Users may visit our website without the disclosure of any personal information. Our servers shall obtain the IP addresses of the Users, but not their e-mail addresses.
Still, for certain parts of our website, it is necessary to obtain personal data of the Users for a particular use – e.g. in order to provide the Users with the information requested or during the log-in.

OPENS shall do that by an online template and every time the Users send their data via e-mail.

The information obtained by OPENS may include name and surname of the Users, e-mail address, mobile telephone number, year of birth and name of the town in which the Users live, but also other contact data, details on the visit of the Users to our website and the information obtained by Cookies and other monitoring technologies, without the limitation to the IP address of the Users, domain name, Internet browser version and operating system, data on location, log-in and traffic and other data on communication.

Shall the Users contact OPENS, the trace on the correspondence can be stored.

Use of the Obtained Information

The source IP addresses of the Users which OPENS obtains are not used for personal identification of the Users, but are aggregated for the measurement of the number of visits, average time the Users spend on our website, number of visited pages, etc.
Such information is used for the measurement of the use of our website and improvement of its contents.
Personal data obtained by OPENS via website can be used for the purpose of:

Limitation of the Liability

The information provided to OPENS by the Users shall be stored in our data base and can be available to our employees, as well as third parties, business partners, state authorities and representatives of the law, legal successors of our business and vendors engaged in the management of data on our behalf, some of which can be outside the European Economic Community, which use them on our behalf for the purposes stated herein.

With the purpose of the provision of our services, it is possible that we will share your data with the third party service providers who process the data on our behalf. If you send us your data, you shall agree with that.
OPENS shall always strive to ensure that personal data of the Users have the same level of protection as it is the case within OPENS, as well as to ensure the security and their use in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for the stated purposes, exclusively.
Also, OPENS can transfer aggregate information on the use of our website to third parties, which do not refer to the information by which the Users can be identified.
We shall retain the right of disclosing the Users’ personal data in accordance with the law or when we assume that the disclosure is necessary for the protection of our rights and/or compliance with a court proceeding, court warrants, regulator’s request or any other legal process related to us. If that is not required by a law, without your consent, we will not share, sell or distribute any information provided in any manner.

Finally, if OPENS enters a joint venture or be sold, i.e. merged to other legal entity, the information of the Users may be shared with the new business partners or owners.

Users Aged 16 and Younger

If the Users are 16 years old or younger, it is necessary that they obtain the permit of a parent, i.e. guardian, before the provision of any personal information to OPENS. The Users without the consent cannot provide personal information.

Other websites

Our website may contain the links to other website which are out of OPENS’ control and thereby shall not be included in this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
If the Users access other websites via links from our website, such websites may obtain information from the Users which will be used in accordance with their Privacy Policy, which may differ from OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. In relation to that, we recommend the Users to meet with the terms and conditions of using all linked, quoted or related website they visit.

Safety of the Obtained Information and Retention of Data

OPENS shall apply strict physical, electronic and administrative protection measures in order to protect the information of the Users from the access of unauthorised persons, against illegal processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage online.

The information from the Users shall be retained within a reasonable period of time, i.e. within the period stipulated by the law.

Online Transfers and Disclaimer

Taking into account that the Internet is a global surrounding, the use of the website for the collection and processing of personal data must include the transfer of data at the international level. Therefore, by the access and visit to this website, as well as the electronic communication with OPENS, the Users shall accept and agree with this manner of data management.

Despite the fact that OPENS shall implement understandable measures for the protection of viruses and other malicious components, the nature of the Internet is such that it is impossible to ensure that the Users’ access to the website will be without interruptions or errors, since the Users are responsible for the safety of their points of access to the website (desktop computer/laptop and mobile device) and their internet connection.

It is recommended that the Users access the website via known and reliable access points and the Internet, as well as to protect themselves by the use of antivirus program.

Access and Update of the Information

The Users shall be entitled to see which personal information of theirs OPENS uses and to request the necessary changes for such information to be correct and truthful (OPENS micro websites).


Shall the Users have any question, comment, inquiry or request related to the use of personal data of the Users by OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, they can contact us via website or via e-mail:

OPENS will respond to any question of the Users related to the protection of personal data, OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy and strive to respect all suggestions related to these documents.

Changes of these Rules

Since that there is the possibility of updating OPENS Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy from time to time, in order to respond to the changes of OPENS practice which refer to our website or online information, without the prior notification of the Users, it is recommended to the Users to occasionally check these documents and inform themselves on the changes.

In the header of these two documents, the date of update will be stated.

User’s Rights

In accordance with the GRPR regulation, the Users have the right to:

OPENS has the discretion to update this Privacy Policy anytime. When doing so, the date of the update will be at the bottom of this page. It is recommended for the Users to check this page from time to time, in case of changes and to remain informed about the manner in which we protect the personal data obtained. You shall agree and accept that it is your responsibility to periodically check this Privacy Policy and be informed on the modifications.

Your Approval of These Terms and Conditions

By using this website, you shall agree with this Privacy Policy. In case you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use our website. Using the website after the publishing of the changes hereof shall be considered your approval of such changes.