When you gather several excellent ideas, a bit of enthusiasm and ambitious beginners at one place, set them in the OPENS premises and assign them a formal name, that could be – The School of Youth Entrepreneurship. Through the programme, the participants of the school are given the support in order to be proactive, to launch the business they want to deal with, to learn how to solve a certain social problem and create a positive impact.

Through four workshops, the lecturers are devoted to each member of the group individually and they talk about each idea.

“We have included social games in one of the workshops, where young people will have the possibility to learn the basic terms for dealing with social youth entrepreneurship. To begin with, we are concentrating on the ideas which have their own basis and which can be implemented as social entrepreneurship ideas, and then on how to implement them in particular. The game can help them learn what the key phases in the establishment and development of an enterprise are and to understand what the basis and what the essence is”, Uroš Antić, one of the lecturers says.

The workshops are devoted to the development of personal, professional and creative individual, as well as to networking of young and creative people. The programme participants also participate in the creation of innovative ideas and events.

“I have learned how a social youth enterprise should look like. I have realised that there are challenges through the whole process, and how to overcome them. We have got advice so that we could work on ourselves. I cannot wait for the end in order to find out how to get funds for the implementation of ideas”, Aleksa Stanišić, the participant of the school says. This type of project is organised with the purpose of the provision of adequate support and knowledge. The idea is to support as large number of young people as possible, to develop their initial ideas as well as to meet the possible obstacles on the road.

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OPENS program in Novi Sad for years selflessly shares and supports youth energy. Whether it is through the festivals, sport activities, education or activism the strength of the youth is

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