Board of European Students of Technology – BEST from Novi Sad is organising high-school engineering competition “PraviTI” which is of great significance for the graduates of high-schools of Novi Sad. The competition itself will be held on 23 March 2019 at the University of Novi Sad.

The PraviTI project is the project of the local BEST group Novi Sad. Within this engineering competition, the teams of graduates of high-schools of Novi Sad of four competitors will compete in the category of team design. The team design in the simulation of solving practical problems. The teams will get the task, as well as the solution of the given task and they will create the prototype or model with limited amount of material ensured by the organisers within the limited period of time. Upon the termination of the competition, the ideas of the teams will be presented, after which the winning team will be defined by the judges. Board of European Students of Technology – BEST Novi Sad was founded in 2005 at the University of Novi Sad and it is one of 97 local BEST groups which are mutually a well-organised, young and innovative student network. This is the fourth time that our local BEST group is organising such a type of the project. The brave members of our association decided to try and organise it again after 6 years, and even braver graduates decided to try and compete in the competition itself.

This is a great opportunity for all graduates to show their engineering competencies, to express their creativity and be rewarded for their effort and work. Of course, by the participation in this competition, they improve their abilities for team work and gain valuable experience which they will later apply in solving everyday problems. We would like to thank the high-schools which have supported us in the realization of this project.

Find more information and the schedule at FACEBOOK page or the WEBSITE.

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