On Thursday, 21 March this year, at “Petefi Šandor” Elementary School, within the three-year OPENS projects, the Raspustilište Association organised the first of the set of educational workshops where the #URBANVEGETABLEGROWERS project was presented.

“The project initiated this year’s cycle in this school on Thursday, because that is also the School Day in this school. The purpose of the #urbanvegetablegrowers project is to promote healthy lifestyle in the city environment and it is focused on children and younger generations. This is the continuity of the activities initiated at the beginning of 2018, when 300 children participated in seeding and growing of plants in their school yards in 3 elementary schools of Novi Sad. The central manifestation attended by more than 1300 children was held last year, on 16 October on the World Food Day”, Aleksandra Lukić, the project coordinator explains.

The URBAN VEGETABLE GROWERS project is organised with the purpose of raising awareness among young people about the need to save the nature with the development of healthy lifestyles, through education about the production and preparation of healthy food. Garden beds are installed in the school yards where pupils are planting and growing vegetable in an ecologically correct and acceptable manner. Thereby, with the practical work, pupils’ healthy lifestyles are development and the habit of saving the world around us is created. Also, during the project, outdoor educational-ecological workshops about healthy food are held at the schools.

The project for 2019 ends with planting trees at the school yards.

In 2019, the URBAN VEGETABLE GROWERS will be organised in cooperation with six elementary school and several high-schools and faculties.

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OPENS program in Novi Sad for years selflessly shares and supports youth energy. Whether it is through the festivals, sport activities, education or activism the strength of the youth is

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